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Communication with Parents

A full staffing structure of the school is available on the school website and within the school prospectus.   

Key staff such as the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator and the Deputy Head Teacher are made known to parents/carers. 

Parents and carers are welcome in school.  Appointments are made for specific meetings. However, should a parent arrive to see someone unannounced, we will do our best to ensure someone is available to respond to the query. 

Staff are very flexible in contact with parents and carers and will make personal arrangements and offer individual communication as required. 

For information about pupil progress, parents are invited to parents' evening three times a year.  Specific information can be gathered from the Head Teacher on an individual basis. In the Nursery, parents are provided with two scheduled yearly reviews. 

School seeks parents/carers views and feedback anecdotally, via specific communication, annual questionnaires and sign post to the Ofsted parent view website. 

All September admissions will have a transition visit in the Summer Term to become familiar with staff, other peers and their school environment. Those joining midyear are offered the opportunity for transition visits if appropriate.   

We hold meetings for new parents in the Early Years Foundation Stage and an annual ‘Meet the teacher night’ in September. 

There is a Parents and Friend association and families are encouraged to actively support and participate. 

The Head Teacher welcomes feedback about the school on any issue. 

School has a weekly newsletter to keep parents informed and regular updates on the school website.