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Physical Education

Physical Education Curriculum Rationale

At Ormskirk CE we believe that our children, whatever age, culture, ethnic background or ability, should be able to develop an enjoyment of physical education and sport as they develop a wide range of physical skills and knowledge. We want them to recognise the importance of physical education for both their physical and mental well-being and take this attitude forward into adolescence and adulthood. We hope that they feel comfortable in developing their own abilities and feel confident when performing in the school setting. We hope that some of them will be able to take this even further, join clubs both in and out of school, and represent our school in sporting events. We are experienced in finding pathways for our children who want to join sporting clubs outside of the school setting. We help them to embody the core values of sportsmanship in all lessons and develop attitudes that will help them in later life – qualities like resilience and teamwork. We are inclusive and  deliver lessons that are accessible to all.  

Our PE curriculum, developed alongside the West Lancashire Sports Partnership, aims to deliver high quality physical education; set achievable personal challenges; and develop positive attitudes. To encourage and celebrate pupils, sporting achievements are celebrated in whole school assemblies.  

We work closely with the West Lancashire Sports Partnership, taking up opportunities for highly skilled, sport specific coaches to come into school and work with classes to deliver interventions, Bikeability, scootering, and balance bikes for Early Years pupils.  We are an active member of our local school sport association, the ODPSSA, and working alongside the WLSP, we participate in a wide programme of competitive inter-school sport events. 

We offer a diverse range of extra-curricular sports clubs, from Taekwondo to dance.  Once again, we are running at least one after-school sports club every day of the week, with additional clubs at lunchtimes. We also have our very own ‘Percy’s Puddle’ swimming pool and two qualified swimming teachers on our staff. All children, from Nursery to Year 5, swim weekly, with a block for Year 6 to complete a ‘deep water’ swim at another local pool.  

Curriculum Intent

Our broad and balanced physical education curriculum, whilst covering statutory requirements, aims to develop pupils' knowledge, skills and understanding; promote a positive attitude to exercise, sport and healthy lifestyles; and promote the importance of safety when working, which they can take into adulthood. It provides opportunities for pupils to develop physical skills, with increased co-ordination, strength, flexibility and balance. It provides opportunities for pupils to develop the ability to work independently and to respond to others appropriately and respectfully as part of a team or in group activities, irrespective of age, gender, culture or ethnic background. The curriculum aims to provide progressive learning through stimulating, enjoyable and suitably challenging activities. Activities aim to cater for the needs of every pupil in suitably differentiated individual, cooperative and competitive situations. It is intended that tasks given at a suitable level will allow children to achieve success and be motivated to further develop their potential.   

We enrich pupils’ time in our school with memorable, unforgettable experiences and provide opportunities which might otherwise be out of reach to many children.  

Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum PE focusses on teaching all the areas of physical education stated in the National Curriculum. These are revisited year by year with pupils progressively developing their skills and knowledge. Early years pupils have a ‘Wiggle and Squiggle’ lesson each week which develops Fundamental Movement Skills, and they also learn to ride ‘balance bikes’ over a 6-week period. Year 3 learn and develop scootering skills over a 6-week period whilst Year 5 children do level 1 and level 2 of the national Bikeability scheme, where they learn skills to keep themselves safe whilst cycling on the road. We also have a 9-week course of PE intervention to support targeted children in Years 1-4 who will benefit from further Fundamental Movement Skill development. We are also developing our forest school provision this year.  A staff member has received training so that we can offer sessions to a greater number of classes.  

ALL the children at our school have the opportunity to learn to swim in our fantastic school pool. The pool is shallow, allowing children to develop their skills and techniques while feeling safe in the knowledge that they can put their feet on the floor if necessary. They are taught by qualified school staff who know the children well from teaching them in other areas. We also offer extra lunchtime sessions for less confident swimmers.  

The aims for our PE curriculum are:  

  • To develop a range of skills which can be performed with increasing control, co-ordination and fluency.  

  • To develop the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions.  

  • To develop an increasing ability to select, link, and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas.  

  • To develop the ability to follow rules.  

  • To develop and improve observation skills and the ability to make judgements on their own and others’ work.

  • To develop an understanding of the effects of exercise on the body. 

  • To promote a positive attitude towards exercise and sport and the benefits they can have as part of a healthy lifestyle.  

  • To develop the ability to work individually and as part of a group or team.  

  • To develop leadership skills. 

  • To promote an understanding of safe practice and to develop a sense of responsibility towards their own and others’ safety.  

  • To be able to swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and know how to remain safe in and around water. 

Our teachers plan and deliver their own lessons, based on lessons from the West Lancashire Sports Partnership who developed their scheme by refining the Lancashire PE plans to deliver PE in local schools including our own. Teachers with specialist knowledge are free to enhance the planning with their own ideas. Our short-term plans are produced on a weekly basis and develop from the previous week’s learning. Each class has 2 hours of PE each week with Early Years classes experiencing many more active sessions. In Years 1- 5, children have one PE lesson and one swimming lesson each week. Year 6 have two PE lessons per week.   

We continue to look for ways to include physical activity in the wider curriculum.  In November 2023 we had two orienteering courses installed (for KS1 and KS2) with an online platform with extensive plans on how to utilise the courses across other subject areas.  Our PE subject leader starts the day with a Les Mills Born-To-Move session every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, with approximately 90 children (three classes) participating in each session.   The children work out with dance, martial arts and yoga routines.  There has been more recent investment in our outdoor spaces with a new trim-trail and traversing wall installed in 2023. 

Curriculum Impact

We use formative assessment information in every PE lesson. Staff use this information to inform their short-term planning both within lessons and for subsequent lessons. More able children are challenged and less able given manageable small steps to learn. Opportunities for more formal summative assessment are through the assessment activities at the end of a unit.  In recent years, we have been able to narrow the attainment gap of younger children who have been working towards age-related expectations in PE lessons by providing targeted intervention through the PE-Plus programme. 

Through exposure to a variety of sports, many children at our school are keen to join clubs and to take part in inter-school competitive sport. We have access to competitions in athletics, cross country, netball, dodgeball, benchball, tennis, cricket, football, tag rugby, dance and orienteering. Through the West Lancs Sports Partnership, we have access to events for less confident pupils; activities for more able pupils; and activities for children with SEND. These activities allow our pupils to mix with children of a similar ability from other schools across West Lancashire. From the academic year 2023-24, there is a two-tier competition system – for example – a netball tournament for local schools, and then, additionally, another ‘Pathway’ netball tournament where the winner will progress to a county competition.  We have chosen to subscribe to both tiers of competition to further increase the number of opportunities for our children to participate in competitive sports. 

Clubs offered include archery, athletics, netball, tennis, cross country, dance, dodgeball, football, and taekwondo. 

Overall, our school aims to provide all of our pupils with happy learning opportunities and develop lifelong confidence and a positive attitude towards physical activity. 

Physical Education Progression Document

PE Curriculum Overview 2024-2025