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Pupil Leadership Opportunities

At Ormskirk Church of England Primary School, we value providing children with leadership opportunities as we recognise that our children are leaders of the future. By offering these opportunities, it allows children to develop skills such as communication, prioritisation, listening and giving and receiving feedback. These leadership opportunities allow children to express their views on the school and support leaders in shaping its development.  We encourage all of our pupils to embrace the wide range of opportunities available to them. This enables our children to shine as individuals and supports the whole school community to shine. 

We have developed a range of leadership opportunities for our children. For some of our leadership positions, children are elected by their peers through a democratic process. Others require children to apply for posts by way of a written application.

Leadership Opportunities 2024-2025 

Pupil leadership group Group details  Staff responsible for group 
School Council  The School Council is an elected group of children who meet to work on matters related to the school and the local community. Mrs Reeves 
Prefects Prefects are Year 6 pupils chosen by the staff; they are pupils who have shown they always stick to the school rules, follow our values, have a good attitude towards learning and show good manners; in essence, they are model pupils. Mrs Hardman 
Mini Police  Mini Police are Year 5 and Year 6 children who apply for the role as a Mini Police Officer. This role involves primarily working on road safety around the school site. Including parking, but this will be expanded in coordination with local neighbourhood CPSO. Miss Blake
Digital Leaders Applications from Year 3 to Year 6 so that each class has a Digital Leader representative. This group focusses on online safety and behaviour as well as promoting the use of technology in their classrooms.  Mr Bullen 
Pupil Librarians  This team will apply and will work to promote reading as well as manage a budget to replenish books based on children’s interests. They will support Mrs Rigby with maintaining the library and ensure that the library is available for children to access at break and lunchtimes.  Mrs Rigby
Eco-Committee The children are selected after application and work on school-based and wider eco- initiatives, including recycling and energy use and raising awareness of important environmental issues.  Miss Saul 
Shine Out! Committee The Shine Out! Committee are selected after application, and support in developing the Christian distinctiveness of the school. This is in conjunction with the clergy and staff.  Mr Boyd