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Welcome to Ormskirk Church of England Primary School - where we aim to inspire our community, help then to aim high, ensure they achieve and remember to then celebrate and shine.

We are a busy, friendly Christian school, with teachers who are passionate about helping children grow and learn. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community. Above all we pride ourselves on the warm relationships between children (and staff) and setting high expectations for learning.

We have recently welcomed a great number of new pupils in various year groups. We now only have a few places left in our two form entry school, but if you are looking to move schools or moving into the area or schools do ring the school office to check if we have a space. Meanwhile, if you have a child who is due to start school in September 2024 then we have organised for two tours on Wednesday 10th January one at 9:15am and the other at 1:15pm (a tour takes about one hour). Alternatively, simply ring to make an appointment. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2024.

"The school provides pupils with positive experiences that go beyond the national curriculum. Pupils leave the school as confident individuals who love learning and achieve well" - Latest Ofsted Inspection Report

Our school offers amazing opportunities in our own school grounds which includes a swimming pool, woods and a forest classroom. We want learning to be remembered and children to feel the excitement and awe and wonder of the World around them. So we have numerous educational trips to enrich the curriculum. Every class goes on a trip every term and the school pays fully for the vast majority of these. Locations for trips include: Manchester Airport, Liverpool cathedrals & museums, a mosque & synagogue, zoos, Yorkshire Dales, White Scar Caves, Martin Mere, York (Y5 residential), London (Y6 residential), Camp Night (on school grounds), Snowdon, Conwy Castle, Chester, Preston, Southport Eco Centre, and many more.

To learn more about our school, zip through the website or even better talk to current parents or arrange for a visit.

Mr G. Storch
