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Our Christian School

Our core Christian Values are: 

  • Humility 
  • Friendship 
  • Trust 
  • Forgiveness
  • Compassion 
  • Thankfulness 
  • Wisdom

SIAMS Report 2024

We are a Voluntary Controlled Church of England Primary School with strong links to our Parish Church, St.Peter & St.Paul, and the Methodist Church United Reformed Church.

We work in partnership with the Church to nurture the Christian Values which are at the heart of our school ethos and are reflected in our vision. 

Through this partnership, School is included in the wider community. Together, Church and School strive continually to support the spiritual development, social and emotional well-being of our children.

Prayer Day

Our School Prayer

Junior Rotary Award

Our Year 6 children are encouraged to take part in the Junior Rotary Award. Rotary wanted to devise a significant project for children in KS2 along the lines of the Duke of Edinburgh Award in KS3, 4 & 5. This has proved to be a great success with many schools taking part.  This award runs from October until the end of May. The children have to serve in their community for 10 weeks; learn a new skill for 10 weeks; take part in physical exercise for 10 weeks and also gain some Social Experience of Religion, Culture and the Arts. This award is heavily reliant on parents supporting their children and is done in their own time, not in school time.

Over the years, we have been amazed at what the children have planned to include in their project. This takes real commitment. In July, the children attend an Awards Ceremony at the Town Hall, and sometimes they even meet The Lord Mayor.

Our annual Rotary Award took place once again this year; an award ceremony to congratulate our Year 6 pupils who had successfully completed their year-long community project. Well done to all the children who took part!