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Our wonderful Library is managed by our school librarian Mrs. Rigby.  The Library provides a calm and relaxed space for all our children and staff to enjoy.  Our books cater for all ages, from babies in Nursery to Year 6 classes.  Books include fiction and non-fiction titles for all children’s imaginations and curriculum needs. 

The aim of the library is to promote reading for pleasure. We want children to make their own choices when choosing a book, their reading journey may be to challenge themselves one visit or choose an easier book during another time; they are encouraged to choose a book that is just right for them. 

Library classes run 5 days a week and are led by our school librarian, teachers and support staff. We all have a love and enthusiasm for reading and enjoy our quiet library time. 

We have a Library Club, which is open during playtimes in the morning and lunchtime. Children can use our comfy bean bags and cushions to relax while enjoying a good book or jigsaw puzzle, listening to stories or music. 

Out of school we have our Little Bookworms Club. This is part of Nursery’s home reading provision. With parental consent, children can take a book bag of picture books home and start their reading for pleasure journey. 

New for this year is our Home Readers Club for Years 4 and 5. With parental consent, children can borrow a book from our Home Readers Library to take home.  

If you would like to get in touch, contact Mrs. Rigby via email: