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Sports Clubs

Here are some details of sports clubs for the Autumn term.

Mr Peetoom's Clubs:

  Wednesday Thursday Friday
Netball squad development
*for the most experienced players – by invite

Netball Y4
(18 places)

After school
3:35 – 4:30
  Athletics Y5/6
(25 places)
Netball Y5/6
Any new Y6 players should attend this club (18 places)

There is a £5 voluntary contribution for all of Mr. Peetoom's clubs. This price is capped at £10 per family per term. Families who qualify for Pupil Premium are not asked to contribute.
Any money raised will be spent on school sport.

The after-school athletics club will become a Year 3/4 athletics club in the Spring term.

Please book all of these clubs directly with Mr. Peetoom via email:

Ormskirk Tennis Club are running a tennis club after school on Wednesdays. The price is £30 to be paid directly to the tennis club. This covers 6 x sessions to be held at our school on Wednesdays 3:30 – 4:15 pm, and in addition, Mr. Peetoom will take this group for a 1-hour session at Ormskirk Tennis Club on a date to be confirmed in October or November.

Anyone wanting to book the tennis, email Mr. Peetoom too and he’ll give your child a paper booking form to take home with the tennis club payment details.