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Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information. There is a financial benchmarking link under the Finance Committee section.

Parents may wish to speak to governors, who have a responsibility to monitor all things relating to the running of school, but governors act as a group and not as individuals outside meetings. Therefore it is preferable to speak to teachers and the headteacher rather than individual governors (unless you have a concern about the headteacher, in which case you should speak to the Chair of Governors).

Nominated Governors

SEND - Mrs J. Gladders

Pupil Premium - Mrs S. Routledge

Data Controller - Mrs J. Crook

Website - Mrs J. Hardman

Sports Premium - Mrs J. Hardman

Safeguarding / Online Safety / Prevent - Mr E. Quirk and Mr N. Winrow

PFA - Mrs C. Hague

Nursery - Mrs S. Routledge

Wellbeing - Mr M. Cooper

School Governors

The Headteacher of the school, in consultation with the Governors, is responsible for the internal organisation and management of the school.  The framework is set by the Local Education Authority, the District Council, Ormskirk Parish Church and the Staff. Parent Governors are elected by parental vote.


Mr R. France (Co-opted)

Vice Chair

Mrs R. McBride (Co-opted)

  • Rev S. Haines (Ex-offico)
  • Mr M. Cooper (Foundation)
  • Mrs J. Gladders (Foundation)
  • Mrs J. Hardman (Staff)
  • Mrs J. Miller (Foundation)
  • Mr E. Quirk (Parent)
  • Mr G. Storch (Head)
  • Mr P. Thompson (Co-opted)
  • Mr N. Winrow (Co-opted)
  • Mrs S. Routledge (Co-opted)
  • Mr A. Maley (Local Authority)
  • Mrs J. Crook (Parent)
  • Mrs L. Joliffe (Parent)
  • Mrs C. Hague (Parent)
  • Mr T. Barrett (Parent)
  • Mrs J. Smith (Parent)

Mr Boyd (Deputy Head) is a regular observer.

Governors Attendance 23-24 Academic Year

Governors Pecuniary Interests


The Chair of Governors can be contacted at the school address.

A representative of the Governor Services acts as Clerk to the Governors.  He/She may be contacted at:

Governing Body Support Services
5th Floor, Area Education Office (South)
East Cliff
Preston, PR1 3YX

Phone: (01772) 532160

A representative of the Area Education Officer acts as Clerk to the Governors. He/she may be contacted at:

Governing Body Support Services
5th Floor, Area Education Office (South)
East Cliff
Preston, PR1 3YX

Tel: (01772) 262160

The Interim Executive Director for Children & Young People for Lancashire is:

Ms Jacqui Old

PO Box 61
County Hall
Preston, Lancashire

Tel: (01772) 531646